Sunday, June 30, 2013

Red Earth

Enviro Artist of the Day!


Red Earth is an environmental artist group that works site specifically to create works.  They work with the natural landscape and ecologists, geologists, and other scientists to understand about the location and what is lacking, needed, or missing.  Their projects are usually in the form of public events that truly engage the audience in the experience.  They have held events in Europe, Java, Japan, and Mongolia.  Several of these events addressed the issue of global climate change and the effect we have on it.

The events include sculpture, performance, as well as created works.  Because of the event nature of their work the installations are usually temporary and designed with sensitivity to the local culture of the area.  Their hope is that their events educate others about the issues and the importance of them as well as things they can do to help. 

See more of their events and sculptures:

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