Friday, June 28, 2013

Foundations, Assosications, and Clubs

As yesterday's post explained a little bit about the history of Earth Day I thought it would be nice to share some of the groups that were founded because of Earth Day.  Though there are literally hundreds to chose from I selected the two government agencies as well as four of the more well known independent groups that work to protect and conserve the earth and oceans.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the national government agency that focus on the large scale environment issues such as air and water quality, climate change, waste reduction, and landfill cleanup.  The agency's main mission is to protect both human health and the environment.  The EPA controls all government regulations and law that are passed in terms of human health and the environment. 

Environmental Protection Agency

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is another government agency that works on the state scale. The agency is divided into three sections: Regulatory Programs, Land and Recreation, Water Policy and Ecosystem Restoration. The Florida office focuses on the issues specific to the sunshine state.  The DEP overseas all state parks and wildlife reserves enforces state environmental laws protecting the landscape.  Their website also features a section explaining the importance of the Florida coral reefs.

Department of Environmental Protection

 The Audubon Society focuses on ecosystem restoration aimed at birds, but working with other animals as well, to benefit humanity and natural biodiversity.  The society is over a century old and has successfully protected several wildlife preserves across the nation.

The Audubon Society

The Surfrider Foundation is a California that began in an effort to protect the California waves and coastline.  Then the group expanded to protection of the oceans, marine life, and waves.  The groups is now in eighteen countries around the world.  Because of their surf background they do not want to block off the beaches for visitors but instead through actions teach others how to protect and treat every beach a little bit better so that the future generations can enjoy those same beaches and waves!

The Surfrider Foundation

The World Wildlife Foundation main mission is to conserve the earth, protect the wildlife and addressing the issues threatening our world.  by the year 2020 the WWF are hoping to in conjunction with other to protect species habitats, and raise awareness within local communities.  They also want to transform policies to reduce pollution and the negative effect on animal habitats.  Gather millions together in support of nature conservation.  Some of the species they work with are the giant panda, sea turtles, tree kangaroos, and dolphins and porpoises.

World Wildlife Foundation

The Sierra Club is the most outspoken of all the groups listed and known for their acts of environmental protection.  Their mission is to protect the wild places of America and promote responsible use of natural fuels.  The group's main goals focus on alternative fuel sources to replace coal and gas, keep the American wild just that, wild, and to get involved in politics to promote laws and regulations in favor of the environment. 

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