Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chris Jordan

Environmental Artists of the Day 2!


Jordan is a photographic artist whose work tells a tragic tale of mass American consumption, politics, and youth school dropouts.  the above image "A Three Second Meditation" represents the amount of paper rubbish that is mailed, shipped, and thrown out every three seconds.  His other works are similarly startling such as Serat's well known pointillism painting, "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" created out of 400,000 bottles caps representing the plastic bottles that Americans use every minute.  The amounts that are consumed are startling and enough to if I wasn't already encourage me to use a recyclable water bottle and recycle any and everything I could.

The second of  the two images is a series that shows the effects of Americans consumption through images of these birds carcasses.  The series takes place on Midway Atull a series of islands some 200 miles from any American coast. The birds are fed large amounts of plastic debris by their parents who are unknowingly dying from ingesting these lethal items.  The plastic has floated to these islands over the Pacific Ocean and the resulting deaths are symbols of that lack of responsibility and awareness.

Jordan's other works are similarly alarming and truly show the effects of Americans mass consumption.  Shocking and sad...

To see pictures of Chris Jordan's work check out his website:  Chris Jordan

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