Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Keeping Our Ocean Clean

Yesterday was the big day! A nervous, exciting, trying, stressful, but successful day filled with fun, art, and a lot of patience.  When I saw the average age of my group was a lot younger than expected I worked to re-design the slideshow presentation I had prepared as well as the questionnaire for the children.  When I got to the Y in the morning I was ready! The day started and I was excited to share with my passion for environmental issues and motivating them to get involved. 

The day began with introductions and the initial evaluation of what the children already knew about pollution, the oceans, and recycling.  I found that most of the children already knew about recycling but were unfamiliar with the topics of reuse and repurposing.  After an interactive slideshow the kids were ready to start painting and creating our collaborative mural.  They were excited about being part of something larger than themselves and interested in the idea that their work would be seen by others. 

The creatures started to take shape and the children's imagination took flight.  From one-eyed hermit crabs, to googly eyed jellyfish these creative creatures show the true artistic spirit of these kids.  The colors were every color of the rainbow and proportions did not have to matter. 

While their watercolors creatures dried we reviewed the goal of our project and how the kids can do their part to reuse, reduce, and recycle.  They loved the idea that this project was something they could take home and share with their families.  Several of the students created images that even had environmental messages.  One girl in the group drew a three legged turtle that had lost its leg to pollution saying, "Don't throw trash in my home!"  It was endearing and inspiring to me as an educator that through art these children were learning the importance of this subject. 

By the end of the day the mural was done and we could all stand back and take a look at what we, as a group, had accomplished.  I have faith that our mural will create more awareness and encourage the children and other members to action!

After the long day had ended I was tired sweaty, but I felt so satisfied of what I was able to achieve with such a young group, and what that group was able to produce in such a small amount of time. 

Overall I feel the project was a success.  As with any project dealing with children there were difficulties but overcoming those obstacles makes a job well done just that much more fulfilling.  

Now all that's left is to sit down and organize my thoughts, feelings, and information into a complete paper and finalized project!

Keep in touch, though, because I am not done with this blog.  you will still be able to find my Artist of the Day and other great art information!

Happy Fourth of July holiday weekend!

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